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Reflection - Week 4

As in previous weeks, I had a great time studying during week 4. This week we continued to talk about fundraising in collegiate athletics. As I said before, university sports teams need money to fund their program. For instance, the hotel, the equipment, the buses, the staff, etc. generate a significant cost for these sports programs. Club boosters exist to financially support these sports programs. They are generally led by university staff, students, or retirees for example. For example, last week was “the giving day” at our Tiffin University. In fact, All people of the city or old players can give some money to all the athletics programs. These giving days is also a competition between all the sports to see which teams will win more money for their program. We didn’t win a lot of money to be honest for the men’s soccer team But the basketball girls won like 100 dollars on this day. This money will help to develop all the programs and to help athletes in their goals. This week was also to complete my MyBlock blog. As usual, I really enjoyed filling it out every day. First off, I wrote an article about the upcoming 2K release. This is indeed an important time for the whole basketball community so I wanted to talk about it a little bit. Then I spoke about the film event of the summer with the release of Space Jam 2 (New Legacy) With notably Lebron James and his son but also the voices of Damian Lillard and Anthony Davies. Finally, I produced an article on fundraising in the field of university sports with the example of boosters athletics. This week has given me a lot of knowledge that I could use in the future in sports. Indeed, as a French, I do not know very well the contours of the collegial system or even in high school. The operations, their rules, etc. are very vague in my head. However, I find fundraising to be very relevant and even find it a good thing for everyone. As explained previously in the class blog, You just have to use the right methods, and target the right audience to be successful in fundraising in college sport I really look forward to continuing to fill my blog and learn more about the field of sports. This course is my first sports class and it gives me a lot of knowledge. I can't wait to get into Week 5 with the “Sport Event Fundraiser Page” in particular. But also new very interesting subjects such as Crisis communication and Apologetic ethics.

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